So Seago inform me that the new boat should be arriving in the UK today.
I told Dan not to open my present as for me it would be like Christmas Day as a small kid again, eagerly unwrapping a much anticipated Christmas present. Plus I wanted to do an 'Unwrapping Video' that most products seem to have these days.
I guess, if it arrives today, unless its been in transit overnight and gets here first light so I can get to HQ today to see it, I'm presuming it will be tomorrow by the time I can get my hands on it. So I'll wait patiently for the call from HQ and carry on setting up some meetings with tackle shops hoping to stock the boat or display flyers to help spread the word of inflatable boat fishing.
This week is where the fun really starts and I can get to show off the boat.
Will it look like I imagined it to look like. Will I be disappointed? Only time will tell.
Ben is due to collect his on Saturday. I'll hopefully have mine accessorised by then and my engine back from being serviced ready to take the boat out. That reminds me, I still haven't given the boat a name yet.
Answers on a postcard.